Molly and Cory. A sweet mixture of intimacy and sarcasm. Fun and love. High School sweethearts. I could tell just from that hour of hanging out together that these two are ready. They know each other so well. They’ve grown into adults together. And complete each other. They started dating when they were 15, Evan and I starting dating when I was 16. I have absolutely loved going through the milestones and seasons of growth as a couple. It has made us stronger. United. One. And I think Cory and Molly would say the same thing. Their relationship has grown with them. He knows what to do to make her laugh. She knows exactly what to say to make him smile. And their laughter and joy was so contagious, I was smiling the whole drive home with excitement for their beautiful photos.
These two are getting married next summer at Celebrations on the River in La Crosse. As they looked through the preferred vender list, my work caught their eye. We jumped on a call, and realized there were so many connections! Several mutual friends. Molly’s Aunt works at the bank where I used to manage social media. I took the wedding photos of her makeup artist‘s sister. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in a small town. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. After talking to their friends, it totally sealed the deal and now here we are. Counting down the months until I get to photograph the next step in their story. The day they’ll say “I do”.
I can’t wait to continue getting to know you two! Thanks for trusting me with your memories <3

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