Amanda and I emailed back and forth a few times about different location ideas for their engagement photos. She loves the fun, romantic style of photos (my favs too!!) and remembered that their wedding venue, Celebration on the River, has a beautiful rope swing. Of course, the thought of that drew both of us in and sealed the deal. La Crosse, here we come! Laughing and posing our way through Celebration’s was like walking through a fairy tale garden. Lights wound along the trees, a vintage bike propped along the wooden rail, sunlight streaming through the treetops. And then there was the swing. Cover in water. The river was high and the swing was out in it. You guys. Talk about disappointment. We continued on with the session and still had a great time. But when we were wrapping up, we started talking about the swing again. “Let’s just do it anyway!” Stoney was allll about it! So, they both braved the cold May Mississippi River waters and We. Got. The. Shot.
I could not be more excited for their wedding next year. Stoney and Amanda were so easy going and sweet, connecting with them was a breeze. You can just tell from the way they interact with each other that the love is strong. Amanda was absolutely glowing with joy and the way Stoney looks at her just melts me. But anyway, I could keep rambling on all day. Why don’t you see for yourself? Make sure to scroll all the way to the swing shots!
Venue: Celebrations on the River: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Hair/Makeup Stylist: Orange Pearl Salon

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